Prepare to Pitch Your Book

Book Proposal Ghostwriting

You'll need a ~20,000-word marketing document.

Some of my writer friends have confessed that they don't like writing book proposals and with good reason -- book proposals are a lot of work. Maybe I'm a nerd, but it's my favorite part of ghostwriting.

Before you write your non-fiction book for traditional publishing, you'll need a book proposal to secure an agent and later, a publisher. It's just how the business runs, unless of course you can prove you're Elvis' love child or you have a TikTok following in the millions.

When I'm writing a non-fiction book proposal, I start by asking the author these questions:

  • Why this?
  • Why you?
  • Why now?

Then I turn those answers into three pieces of content:

  1. a one-page overview
  2. a one-paragraph description
  3. a one-line Netflix-style logline

This becomes the foundation of a book proposal, which typically includes: overview, about the author, marketing plan, comp books, audience profile, chapter outline, and (optional) one or two sample chapters. I also include a pitch letter for agents and a spreadsheet of hand-selected 10 agents to pitch.

Let’s meet in a complimentary Zoom call to determine if we’re a good fit for each other. Contact me.

book proposal


Jen wrote a proposal for me that landed me a top agent and a book deal with an imprint of a Big Five publisher. Her expertise, clarity, and drive propelled the writing process. My editor was notably impressed with the manuscript's quality upon initial submission. Jen’s unwavering support extended throughout the editing phase, where she expertly integrated my editor's feedback. Her role as a sounding board was invaluable throughout this entire journey.

Mace Curran headshot

Michelle "Mace" Curran
Author, Speaker, Thunderbird Pilot '19-'21

Book Proposal Writing & Editing Investment

Book Proposal Writing Fees (up to 20,000 words)

  • Ghostwriting $15,000 to $20,000
  • Editing/Reworking $12,000 to $16,000


Billing: ½ upon contract signing and ½ upon delivery of final proposal

Timeframe: 6 weeks to 3 months